This year, I agreed to kiss a pig if our students reached our fundraising goal from our walk-a-thon. In hindsight, I think I'd rather spend multiple days on the roof as opposed to kissing a pig. Tomorrow is the day that I am scheduled to kiss a pig. I am not excited about this, and I become less excited about this with each passing moment as my famous 'kiss-heard-'round-the-school' approaches.
However, saying that our students are excited about this is an understatement.
Everywhere I go, I am a distraction. I walked into a second grade classroom, and one of the students who was listening to a story on the computer blurted out, "You're gonna kiss a pig." The student was listening to an audio story with headphones on so she did not realize just how loud she was shouting. This announcement brought more, similar announcements so I decided it was best for the students' learning if I just left the classroom.
Our third graders are learning about different types of communities - urban, suburban, and rural. Students are in groups creating visual representations of these communities. Yesterday, a group of students approached me at lunch to ask for a small photo of myself so that they could place the picture in the pigpen that they had designed in their rural community.
I did however, have a small fraction of students who were empathetic towards my cause. I even heard one story from Mr. J how when it was announced how close the students were to meeting their goal, a student spoke-up to her classmates and said that $8K-some was more than enough money and that their fundraising efforts should cease in-order to protect my best interest. Kids are the best! This was the minority, though; it was not the popular consensus.
We'll be sure to post pictures of this 'event' so that everyone can share the students' delight.
Check our school's Facebook page to see some of the photos that were taken.