Celebrating, Reflecting, and Sharing the Story of Riverside Elementary

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thank You and Goodbye

Three years ago, the Highland CSD took a chance on me (and for that I will be forever grateful). I'd never been a principal, I'd never worked in an elementary school, and I wasn't even 30 years old. Multiple times, I'd been told that despite a solid interview I just didn't have the experience that school districts were seeking for their vacant principalships. Highland offered me a job, and I was getting an opportunity to be the principal at Riverside!

Fast forward three years...and by now I am assuming that most of you have been made aware that I am no longer the principal at Riverside Elementary School. Earlier this summer I was offered a principal position in the Marion Independent School District; and despite the thorough enjoyment that I've felt as Riverside's principal, I accepted the position that Marion had offered.

An unfortunate consequence due to the timing of my move, is the missed opportunity to personally say goodbye to so many of the people that have made my tenure in Riverside a positive one. As a result, I'd like to use this platform, my last blog as principal of Riverside Elementary School, to say goodbye and thank you.
  • Parents - You have been great to work with. It is not uncommon for you to help-out and pitch-in in a variety of ways for the betterment of your child's educational experience at Riverside Elementary School. You want what is best for your children, and I admire your willingness to advocate for your children.
  • Administration - Like I mentioned earlier, you gave me my first opportunity to become a principal; for that alone I will be forever grateful. Furthermore, you had enough trust in me as an educator to give me the freedom needed to do my job effectively. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the autonomy that you allowed me.
  • Staff - You all made my job easy and a pleasure. Your willingness to try new things if you thought that it had the chance to benefit our students, your motivation to improve your practice for the benefit of our students are two of the things about you all as a group that stand out to me. One of the most telling reference questions when asking about potential teacher candidates, is would you feel comfortable with this person being responsible for the education of your children/grandchildren/etc.? Without hesitation, I can say that I would feel comfortable with my children receiving their education at Riverside Elementary School.
  • Students - Due to the timing, this is the hardest. I wish that I could see all of the students one last time and have a chance to tell them all goodbye, good luck, and that I will miss them. It is a great group of kids at Riverside Elementary School, and it is because of them - above all else - that makes the school a great place to be.